Friday, October 2, 2009

Bones Bones Bones

Today was the bone scan. They really don't take your word for anything. I mean, if I didn't have bones what would hold my skin up?
Guess what? They do this in NUCLEAR MEDICINE. Once again I was injected with something radioactive. This time I had to wait 2 hours for the stuff to travel through my body or bones -not sure which. I was instructed to drink a lot of water and return at 2:30. All I could think of was, am I radioactive - I mean, was it safe for me to be around other people? I guess so if they let me leave. So I went to lunch and tried to drink all the iced tea they had at Zaxbys. When I returned to NUCLEAR MEDICINE once again I had to lie still. This time they wrapped something around my feet. I immediately became claustrophobic. I was not sure if I could make it through this one. I had to lie, immobile, for 30 minutes - with my feet all wrapped up. I was screaming in my head. To be honest, I almost did not make it. I came this close to yelling for them to stop. I don't know why this one bothered me so much. Maybe it was just I decided enough is enough. I can't take this any more. But, of course, I have to. I have no choice. Cancer is in charge of my life right now and I resent the hell out of it. I want to be in charge of my life. I just pray for the strength to get through this because I have to have the muga muga muga test on a regular basis once I start chemo. At least I won't have to shave my legs for a while. When your hair falls out, it falls out all over your body. See, there is a bright side. Think of the money I will save not having to buy Alterna products for my hair, and shaving cream, etc.

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