Monday, June 14, 2010

The End of Plan Nine from Murrells Inlet

Slack, slack, slack. That is what I am. I have not written in months. I just feel so good and have so much to do. My last three rounds of chemo were mostly uneventful. I still had the tiredness two days after but I am finally finished with it. HOORAY!!!!! I thought this day would never come. When you are going through chemo, it seems like you will never be "normal" again. I was beginning to doubt my energy would ever return. To anyone reading this that is going through chemo, there is an end to it and you will recover. My hair is growing with a vengence. Unfortunately, so are the hairs on my chin, legs, etc. But that is ok. At least I have hair now. And eyebrows and even eyelashes!!!! It was a long, uphill battle, but I believe I have won. God was with me every step of the way and I could not have endured this without knowing that. Cancer has given me a new outlook on life, and, unfortunately, even less patience with all the pettiness that people give so much importance to in their lives. At the end of the day, you are alive, healthly and surrounded by people who love you. All the rest is so unimportant. I had no patience to begin with, and now I have even less. But only with people who are so self involved and only care about themselves - I could just scream. So, know that cancer is just a bump in the road of your life and with God on your side you will beat it. All that is left is radiation, or as I like to call it, getting nuked.
Remember, eat well, even if it is a protein shake. Protein helps your body to heal. Don't be afraid to ask for help from your friends and family. They want to do something to help you. And most important, RULE #1 - DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF. RULE #2, IT'S ALL SMALL STUFF.

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